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"Grandpa, take me back to yesterday, when the line between right and wrong didn't seem so hazy." W. Judd
We lead. They play! This Bud's for who?


Ralph Hall, Jr. & Bud Selig, Former Commissioner of Major League Baseball
"As we connect with our past and our future in ways that bring honor to the softball community we will discover higher purposes than terror. We will be part of a dream deeply associated with the dreams of Americans and Texans. We will be winners of men more than winners of games. We will be a people who are transformed out of the pain and a nation who enters into the fields of promise and hope. In these fields the best is yet to be. I will be there. Will you be there with me for the next chapter? Let's become one nation united in attitudes, actions, and purposes. Be one. Let's play ball!" Ralph Hall    
TEXAS SOFTBALL HALL OF FAME MISSION STATEMENT and your mission if you choose to accept it, is to lead softball events that promote sportsmanship, to protect the integrity of the game, to provide a caring atmosphere, to enhance the well-being of all people of good will who participate, and to honor commitment to our softball community. "This is how the heartbeat of Texas softball makes an impact and a positive difference."  Ralph Hall


"The significance of your life is determined by the positive impact it has on others."

Jackie Robinson

"If you think about it, talk about it, and write about it, YOU CARE about it." Ralph Hall, Jr. 9-19-2016

Ralph and the other leaders with him have been relentless in their pursuit of Sportsmanship. We may never be perfect in sportsmanship, but in the process we have played, are playing, and will play some great games. 2-8-17 

1987 to 2022 League Champions

"Life is a gift - so LIVE!" Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-09-18

The ABC's of this softball culture = Always promoting sportsmanship, Buildlng relationships, and Creating opportunities. "I am Ralph Hall and I approve of this message."
Moving BatterBall SpinHistoryBall SpinMoving BatterTexasFlagWaving

 "History is made every time we step onto a field. When we record it here, others can appreciate it now and will step up to the plate again."




 CELEBRATING ACHIEVED and Projected Milestones:

   773 - LEAGUES
            - Current League in 2023*  

      10 - Celebrity, Charity, or Prestigious events
1,660 - Events from 1982 thru 2023

LIVING LEADERSHIP* - as Ralph Hall in 2024

LASTING LEADERSHIP = 40 years in the Houston area


"A fierce resolve to accomplish is proactive and not same thing as being the poster guy for passivity." Ralph Hall, Jr. 11-24-2019

1. 773 Adult Slow Pitch Softball Leagues and 877 Tournaments Director, as UIC, or both.

2. 40 Years of leading adult Softball in the Houston area

2. 1,660 Slow pitch softball Tournaments, Leagues, or major events

3. Partnership with more than 12,400 managers or coaches and their teams.

4. Awards for over 20,700 CHAMPIONS. 

5. Meaningful work for more than 178 Umpires.

6. Direction, guidance, and leadership for over  2,091,000 participants. 

"Focused thinking conceives, provides, and maintains, a legacy of benefits for others." Ralph Hall, Jr. 12-7-2018

"I love being part of sotball for more than 7 amazing decades and I always will." Ralph Hall 7-6-2018

"How we see our history means nothing compared to who we are seeing with the eyes of our hearts today." Ralph Hall 3-22-18

"When looking carefully, you may see wisdom in the Big Picture." Ralph Hall, Jr. revised on 3-15-2018

"We discover a JOY in creativity by both recognizing that Milestone Memories reveal our history and realizing that Milestone Makers direct us now into a better future." Ralph Hall, Jr. 3-9-2018

"The biggest losers exchange the awe for an ugly pathology of the awful." Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-13-16

"There is double honor for the mature, who leave the ballpark filled with awe and wonder! They are called to be the biggest winners and are chosen for higher purposes." Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-13-16

"Who we follow on and off the field echos in eternity." Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-7-2016

"The decisions we made yesterday began the differences we make today and the influences we will have tomorrow." Ralph Hall Jr. 5-6-13

"Celebrating the gift of today prepares us for even greater celebrations tomorrow." Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-7-16

"Realistic thinking decides if we make softball history or does softball history make us?" R. Hall 7-14-2017  My answer would be  NEITHER. The same God who made us, made softball and made all its history. Ralph Hall 5-20-2017

"Leaders had, have, and will have followers." Remember your leaders. R. Hall, Jr. 3-21-16

"Courageous, Competent, Commited, and Character based leaders go for more than achievement or  accomplishment." They go for the heart and soul of Texas softball. Ralph Hall 1-1-2020

"Great leagues, tournaments, and games leave the twin legacies of SPORTSMANSHIP and CHARACTER." Ralph Hall, Jr. 11-24-2019

Moving Batter  2025 will be 69 years since Ralph began playing softball in 1956  
   2025 will be 59 years since Ralph began as an umpire in 1966.
 Ralph's served many years as a Tournament or League Director at  31 locations and on 73 different Fields.

"Possibility thinking began energizing us for opportunities, locations, fields, games, and relationships years ago. These all remind us of what our mission has been and enable us to envision what our mission will be."  Ralph Hall 3-9-2018 and My thanks to Robert Schuller

"It's not how much you accomplish or achieve, but who you become that really counts." Ralph Hall 11-5-10 revised 10-13-17

"This is our game. Softball History is spoken here." Ralph Hall, Jr.

"A man's credentials are not  just found in his history or on his resume. They are found in his heart." Ralph Hall, Jr. 3-1-2016 

"I am not a self-made man, but a man created to give, to forgive, and to live in a powerfully unique way." Ralph Hall, Jr. 12-12-16

 Reflective thinking embraces an idea that some may never fully comprehend; "Our top priority has never been the gold in the wallet, but was, is, and will be the Golden Rule in the heart!" Ralph Hall, Jr. revised on 7-14-17

My self-respect, dignity, and integrity are not for sale. They were paid for long ago, when my best friend gave His life for me." Ralph Hall, Jr. 5-23-13

"After climbing the twin mountains of achievement and accomplishment, grateful hearts discover the view from the top." They also find a peaceful, priceless rest at the bottom - with HIM present in the journey and in the destination." Ralph Hall 5-25-16  Revised on 11-2-19

"Who will you bring, when we see you at the top?" Ralph Hall, Jr. 11-5-10

"Some softball players bring happiness wherever they go and others bring happiness whenever they go." Ralph Hall, Jr. 5-29-13 Choose this day which one you will be and my thanks to John Maxwell for helping me to think of this. This attitude brings encouragement wherever it goes. 3-9-18

"All great players make errors and so do all great umpires and all great leaders!" Ralph Hall, Jr. 5-25-2016  

"Honor gets remembered, but legends never die."Babe Ruth

“Look back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion, and up with gratitude.” Zig Ziglar

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." Albert Einstein 

    Where Champions Belong To  History!  

Click here to see the names of the 1989-1999 & 2004 Texas Softball Hall Of Fame World Series Champions

    baseball player animation

"When you look back, will you know that you have lived a life worth remembering? The courage to live it passionately does not come from the absence of  fear. It comes from the absence of selfishness."  Ralph Hall, Jr.  1-19-2009

"Better is one day on the FIELDS OF PROMISE AND HOPE than a thousand days elsewhere!" Ralph Hall

"I do not believe that God ever counts my trophies or my championship t-shirts, but I do believe He counts our scars, our tears, and our prayers." Ralph Hall, Jr. 7-30-09

Moving BatterBall SpinMoving BatterBall SpinMoving BatterBall SpinMoving BatterBall SpinMoving Batter 

Moving Batter MILESTONES 

1949 - On a night in September, Jane Hall and Ralph Hall gave birth to their first born son. His dad was playing softball earlier that night. DAD was more famous for his State of Texas Championship Golden Gloves in boxing and was not really a power hitter, but he actually did hit a home run that night. God said yes to all Ralph, Jr. could be by His grace, His mercy, and His love at that moment. Nothing Ralph, Jr. could do would earn that love, nothing he failed to do would lesson that love.  
1956 - The first softball game played by Ralph Hall, Jr. was at 1826 Basse Road, San Antonio, TX. He was 6 years old, in the first grade, and played right field that day. He did not make any defensive put-outs, but  he got on base every at bat with either hits or walks. His favorite part of the game was running the bases. The snow cones from the refreshment stand after the game were good, too. Who could have imagined then, that he would celebrate his 58th year as an umpire in 2023? "And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains." Simon and Garfunkel
1956 to 1969 Ralph Hall  played on numerous City Championship Youth and Adult softball teams in San Antonio, TX.
1966 - Ralph Hall coached his first boys softball team in San Antonio, TX, and umpired his first games at Wilson Fields.
- Ralph Hall coached his first League Championship Team in San Antonio, TX.
1968 - Ralph Hall coached his First City Championship Boys softball team in San Antonio, TX.  He was also selected to the City-Wide All Star Teams in both Fast Pitch as a second baseman and as a shortstop in Slow Pitch softball in San Antonio, TX.
1969 - Ralph Hall  repeated as coach of  the boys softball City Champions in San Antonio, TX.
1970 - Ralph Hall  umpired his first Collegiate level softball in San Marcos, TX.
1973 to 1974 - Ralph played in Championship league and tournament play in Springfield, Illinois.
1975 - Ralph Hall  played in Galveston, TX.
1978 - Ralph Hall  played on the City Championship softball  team and umpired in Seguin, TX.
1979 to 2016 Ralph Hall  played in Mo. City, TX,  and numerous League Championship and Tournament Championship teams in the Houston, TX, area.
1980 - Ralph Hall  was elected as Softball Commissioner in Mo. City, TX,  and served as U. I. C. for Leagues.
1981 - Ralph Hall  began his USSSA umpire career at Softball Country Club, Houston, TX.
1982 - Ralph Hall  served as U. I. C. for the Mo. City, TX, Annual Softball Tournament.
"What causes us to be in the right time and the right place in softball history is the grace and favor of God." One touch of HIS grace gives us a life. One touch of HIS favor does more than we can do in a lifetime of our own efforts. Ralph Hall 6-12-07 


  • 1982 - Turtle Creek, Mo. City, TX
    Quail Green West, Mo. City, TX,
    1982 to 1987 - Fondren Park, Mo. City, TX

  • 1983 Ralph Hall introduced and popularized MEN'S ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENTS in the Houston area.

  •  Stafford City Park, Stafford ,TX

  • Ralph Hall  initiated the CUSTOM of AWARDING T-SHIRTS instead of Trophies for Championship teams.

  • Ralph Hall made a major decision with Earl Moats that SPORTSMANSHIP would be his primary goal in the development of players.
    Post Oak YWCA, Houston, TX

  • 1984 - Jane Long Field, Richmond, TX.

  • Windsor Village Park, Houston, TX
    First Colony Athletics, Sugar Land, TX
    Imperial Sugar, Sugar Land, TX
    Texas Instruments, Stafford, TX
    Four Seasons Park, Hockley, TX 

  • Ralph Hall attended NATIONAL UMPIRE SCHOOL for ASA with Walter Sparks, Bernie Provato, and Glenn Smith.

  • Ralph Hall was the U. I. C. for the 1984 NSA STATE MEN'S CLASS D TOURNAMENT won by the Houston Hustlers. 

  • Ralph Hall Founded and Served as the First PRESIDENT of the FORT BEND AREA UMPIRES ASSOCIATION.

  • 1985 - Southwest YMCA, Bellaire, TX. Ralph Hall was appointed by Earl King to be a Houston USSSA AREA DIRECTOR.

  • Ralph Hall became the FOUNDER and continues to be the PRESIDENT of THE TEXAS SOFTBALL HALL OF FAME.

  • 1986 - 2006 Tournaments or Leagues at Papa Blakely's, Fort Bend County, TX

  • 1986 - Ralph Hall umpired a USSSA SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL GAME on National Television (ESPN) with Anthony "Corky" Carter, Silas Roberson, and Red Lantz. 

  • Ralph Hall initiated and popularized the First DOUBLE HEADER LEAGUES in Houston area softball.

  • Ralph Hall became the FIRST Tournament Director to use the 1 PITCH tie-breakers GROUND RULES at the end of games.

  • Sugar Land Telephone Company, Sugar Land, TX

  • 1987 - 2021 Cullen Park, Houston, TX
    1987 - Nottingham Field, Houston, TX

  • 1989 - Memorial Park #4 & #5, Houston, TX

  • Ralph Hall received the Houston ASA TOP INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVER AWARD from John Robinson.

  • Ralph Hall designed and ordered the production of the infamous Flag T-Shirts as AWARDS for Championship awards.

  • Ralph Hall served as a Houston ASA DEPUTY COMMISSIONER.

  • Ralph Hall created and served as U.I.C. for the FIRST TEXAS SOFTBALL HALL OF FAME WORLD SERIES TOURNAMENT, which was hosted at Papa Blakely's.

  • 1990 & 1991 - Softball Country Club, Houston, TX

  • 1992 - Memorial Park #2 & #3, Houston, TX
    1992- 2003, 2021- Hartford Stone Field, Bayland Park, Harris County TX

  • Ralph Hall was the first  in the Houston area to institute the Ground Rule of Short Count, (1&1).

  • 1993 - Ralph Hall HIT HIS FIRST of 29 OVER THE FENCE HOMERUNS on APRIL 21st at Bayland Park. It was a grand slam with a Blue Dot ball and a Carl Rose bat. 

  • 1995 - Feld Park, Bellaire, TX

  • Ralph Hall served as the U. I. C. for 8 SENIOR WORLD SERIES TOURNAMENTS at Cullen Park, Houston, TX, hosted by HCSSL.

  • 1996 - Springwood Field (Agnes Moffet), Houston, TX
    Memorial Park #1, Houston, TX. + This is the RECORD YEAR for TOURNAMENTS *(62).

  • 1997 - Houston Sportsplex  #1-6, Houston, TX  

  • Ralph Hall goes parallel to the ground fully stretched out and catches Houston Astro's, Bob Abreu, first Major League Homerun in the Astrodome. Ralph was awarded ESPN's Major League Catch Of The Week.

  • Ralph Hall became the FIRST LEAGUE AND TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR to utilize and establish the 1 UP GROUND RULE for Home Runs.

  • Ralph Hall received Stephen Covey training, developed, and published the TEXAS SOFTBALL HALL OF FAME MISSION STATEMENT.

  • 1998- 2003, 2021 - Ward Field, Bayland Park, Harris County, TX

  • Ralph Hall began writing the Ralphisms and Editorializing.

  • Ralph Hall played the Fall Season with the Harris County Senior Softball League. (HCSSL). He hit two consecutive 3 run Homeruns in the third game of that season.

  • 1999 - Southwest Girl's Field #1, Bayland Park, Houston, TX, Southwest Girl's Field #2, Bayland Park, Houston, TX
    Alief YMCA, Sugar Land, TX

  • Ralph Hall DESIGNED and became WEBMASTER of the TEXAS SOFTBALL HALL OF FAME WEBSITE, the first major Houston area softball website.

  • Ralph Hall served as a Houston NSA AREA DIRECTOR.

  • 2000 - The new Ward Field, Bayland Park, Harris County Texas

  • Ralph Hall returned to Houston ASA as an Area Director with Metro Commissioner, Ron Waldrop.

  • 2001 to 2003 - New Territory, Sugar Land, Texas New Territory West Sugar Land Little League Jr./Sr. Field, Sugar Land, Texas

  • 2002- "Some dreams don't come true, but some dreams do. LET'S ROLL!"  Ralph Hall, Jr.

  • 2004 to 2006 - Papa Blakely's (Leagues) Ft. Bend County, Texas
    2004 - 2021 Missouri City Community Park in Mo. City, Texas, Fields #2, #3, & #4


  • 2004 - Ralph Hall, Jr. was awarded the RNC Certificate of Merit from Fred Meyer and President George W. Bush. 

  • "Brad, one day you will be a World Series Champion. Thanks for the autograph and picture." Ralph Hall, Jr. 12-16-2004 
  • 2005 - 2021 -  Missouri City Community Park in Mo. City, Texas, Field #1 

  • 2006 - Ralph Hall, Jr. was honored with the ASA Lifetime Member Award from ASA (Amateur Softball Association) and from Ron Waldrop, Houston's ASA Metro Commissioner.
    2007 -
    Ralph Hall, Jr. was invited to be the Guest of Honor at the Houston Community College Northwest Athletic Awards Banquet.

  • Ralph Hall is recognized by the WIKIPEDIA - Texas Softball Hall of Fame - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Ralph Hall's first and second YOU TUBE videos are produced. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=TXSHOF

    Ralph Hall, Jr. supports our troops by contributing softball equipment to 2nd Battalion, Camp Blessing, in Afghanistan.

    Ralph Hall, Jr. is Honored by ****General Tommy Franks. 

    2008 - 47 LEAGUES is a new record for the number of Leagues played in one year.  

  • Mr. Ralph W. Hall, Jr. is bestowed with  a 2008 Presidential Commission from Tom Cole, Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.

  • "My dream is to keep investing my life by loving and leading all people to life change in  Christ." Ralph Hall, Jr. 12-29-08

  • "I hear a voice in the fields of promise and hope calling us to a new time." LET'S PLAY BALL!"  Ralph Hall 12-29-08

  • "Truly, the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself." 2-10-2009

2009 - The first Houston area softball dual language, English/Spanish, Home Page and many of the web pages on the web-site.
Over 500 Leagues
- Celebrate a Milestone Moment  

2010 - The first Leagues in the Houston area to protect the pitchers with the PROTECT THE PITCHERS RULES.  

2011 - League play at Texas Instruments in Stafford, Texas - Red & Blue Fields.

Moving Batter Over 6OO Leagues - Let's Celebrate a Milestone Moment - We Worked - You Played!

2012 - 30 Years as a Tournament or League Director at 30 locations and on 69 different Fields.

8-15-12 Ralph Hall throws out the first pitch at Constellation Field in Sugar Land, Texas, for the Sugar Land Skeeters on their first annual softball night.

     "Welcome to the mound a man who purposefully steps out of the box of selfishness and up to the plate of courageous character," Ralph Hall, Jr., Founder and Director of the Texas Softball Hall of Fame.

9-22-12 Ralph Hall honors the "Mayor of Skeeter Land," James Thompson, at Constellation Field. Jimmy had the inspirational vision to build the ballpark in Sugar Land, Texas. Under his leadership the Atlantic League expanded to Texas, many people found meaningful work, and hundreds of thousands in the community have benefited from the joys of baseball. Millions more will enjoy this place for years. What a legacy!  





   "Who's in your heart?" Ralph Hall, Jr. 5-1-2016

2013Moving Batter Over 1,5OO Leagues & Tournaments - Let's Celebrate another Milestone Moment - We Worked - You Played!

April 27, 2013 and May 2, 2014 - Ralph Hall is given the honor to  serve as the Umpire and Crew Chief at Constellation Field in Sugar Land, Texas. A capacity crowd of over 7,500 came to see the Houston Texans softball game. Thank you, J.J. Watt         JJs charity softball tournament logo-1

"Honor is earned by complete commitment, diligent dedication, and ongoing self-sacrifice to the purposes of God for our lives together." Ralph Hall, Jr. 5-6-13

These games were never played on the fields of dreams. "The games have been, are, and will be played on the fields of hope." Ralph Hall, Jr. 3-26-13


May 2, 2014 - Ralph Hall is given the honor to serve as umpire and  Crew Chief at Constellation Field in Sugar Land, Texas. A capacity crowd of over 8,000 came to see the JJ Watt Charity Classic and the Houston Texans.

July 15, 2014 - Ralph Hall serves as Crew Chief and Home Plate Umpire at Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas for the Roger Clemens Celebrity Classic. The ROCKETMAN CELEBRITY SLAM was a Hoot. My hat is off to Roger. "Roger Clemens, his whole family, and staff are a CLASS ACT!" Ralph Hall, Jr. July 16, 2014

From humble beginnings to the biggest events has not been easy. However, it continues to be a genuine blessing, a miraculous journey, and an incredible honor. Each person who participates with sportsmanship and character is a part of it. I cannot fully express my appreciation for those who share the vision with me, who step up to the plate of courage, who serve others unselfishly, and who stay connected with The Texas Softball Hall of Fame. They are living testaments revealing the Champion of Life.  Ralph Hall, Jr. 7-16-2014


BRIAN MOUNT, ROGER CLEMENS, RALPH HALL, Jr. & MIKE BYERLEY at Minute Maid Park- Houston, Texas on 7-15-2014


2015 - The Year it Rained

Leading a good league for good players- good
Leading an imperfect league for imperfect players- great
courageously when too many are fearful - priceless.                 

2016 Moving BatterOver 7OO Leagues - Let's Celebrate a Milestone Moment

"Who has risen above the mess with a message of hope from One messenger of a priceless love?"  R. Hall 12-12-16  TGBTG

Ralph Hall, Jr. Dona Hall & Lt. Col. Alan West, Retired US Army, NCPA-CEO 5-20-2016


ASA becomes USA in 2017

2018 -  WE CELEBRATE 1,625 EVENTS - Milestones Achieved 

2019 - Congratulations to Ralph Hall, the March 2019 reciepient of the "Blues Across America" award from Team USA. Ralph is the first umpire in the History of Houston softball to achieve this honor. Ralph says, "TGBTG"


 2020 -  covid 19 cancelled all events

2021 - At 4 locations, on 9 fields

Mo. City Tounament #875

Bayland Park Sunday Leagues

Cullen Park Sunday League

Seguin, Texas 4 plex Men and Coed Leagues on Fields #1,3,4.

2022 as Ralph Hall for - Fort Bend Sheriff's  Tournament*

Leagues in Seguin*, Texas as Ralph Hall*

2023- Ralph umpires at Bayland Park for a Senior Tournament

WE CELEBRATE 1,660 events -  We Worked - You Played

RALPH HALL, Jr. & MIKE "CHULA" RODGERS. Mike passed away on SEPTEMBER 24, 2019. Rest in Peace, my friend.

Softball Leaders in Texas for many years and friends forever. 4-6-2019







RALPH HALL & WAYNE GARRETT 2019 HALL OF HONOR INDUCTEE and - Umpires of the Decade 2010 to 2019




2020 - The year of the Virus = no leagues.

 2021 new Rules for #1 and #51. see the rules page for details.   

"Well done is better than well said.” Ben Franklin

"There are 108 stitches on a baseball and there are many on me. Tell them I am not through and for the love of the game; I am back." Ralph Hall, Jr. 2-29-2016

"For every wounded heart, there is a way out of the pain and into the fields of promise and hope. In these fields, the best is yet to be amazing indeed!" Ralph Hall, Jr. after his quadruple bi-pass surgery in April, 2000. "It's NO myth - HE IS ALIVE." 5-26-16

"Let love explode and bring the dead to life. A love so bold to bring a revolution." Newsboys 

It's about caring for others, being courageous, and staying committed. Following that kind of leadership will make us winners of more than softball games. Ralph Hall, Jr. 3-1-2016


"With vision, courage, and skill we plan the games. With courage, commitment, and caring we lead the people." Ralph Hall, Jr.  3-1-2016

The next years, locations, fields, games, and the new relationships are a part of our future. They will challenge us TO BECOME the THRILLER B's. BE ONE. 6-20-06

The Texas Softball Hall of Fame is built slowly over a lifetime. It is the sum total of every dream come true, every right decision, every promise kept, every positive thought, every timely word, every scar, every tear, and every heartfelt prayer. It is energized by the generator of honorable work. It glistens with the twins of humility and generosity. It is a precious place constructed with the bricks of tournaments and the mortar of leagues. It is a lifestyle of courage, faith, and skill which grows the seeds of greatness in the soil of sportsmanship. It is a place in the heart of service, where God looks when He smiles. Before you can BE in the HALL OF FAME, THE HALL OF FAME has to BE in you.      baseball player animation  Ralph Hall, Jr. 8-02-08

 Ralph said what?  

"If you respect our history and if you care about our presence, you may wear the trophy of honor in our future."  Ralph Hall, Jr.


+Texas Softball Hall of Fame does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. RALPHISM #54. "Color is only skin deep, but beautiful character lives on the inside."

"Inspiring others to live better lives is the accomplishment of leadership." Ralph Hall


"WHAT'S WORKING?" is a far superior question to "What's not working?" LISTENING TO THE ANSWER is even better. Ralph Hall, Jr. 6-19-2014

"The hard drive historian of my past, the passionate, articulate journalist of my present, and the contemporary, prophetic spirit of my future are the same thing, my attitude." Ralph Hall, Jr.

"The enemy of our history, of our presence, and of our future is found between the ears and on the tongues of the pathological critics." Ralph Hall, Jr. 5-13-06



"The base path of character is not the base path of compromise." Ralph Hall, Jr. 8-30-07

"Good relationships plus good processes lead to a history of good results." Ralph Hall, Jr. 1-12-15

"Congratulations!  Your hard work is paying off.................not just for you but apparently for many others! Blessings!"
D. R. Nelson President/CEO, Sovereign Wealth Management, LLP

"This looks good!  Makes me proud to have been a part of your organization.  Keep up the good work.  I miss being around you and the guys." Steve Morris, Umpire 

"Well I see you have conquered film! However, I'm still waiting for your first book of quotes and jokes? Great clip! God Bless." Kevin Tucker

"That was great," Hugh Durlam - Account Representative, One Source Credit Reporting, LLC

"That was a very good clip! I think you should keep it!" Phillip McNeil,  Houston Community College Northwest Campus
Associate Athletic Director

"Cool dude," Carol Tribble, Qualifiers Coed Team

"Wow!!  You are really moving up and on in the softball world....good going for you and the league!!!" Lynn Hill, Inspirations Coed Team

"I really enjoyed the footage that you put on the web site. Keep up the great job of providing us with a great and fun softball environment. I am thankful and privileged to be a part of the league." Tony Aguilar, Coach First Colony Church of Christ Coed Team

"The video clips are a great addition to your web site.  Appreciate all your efforts to run a first class softball organization and to provide a quality experience for the players." Roger D. Leick, Marine & Arctic Engineering Manager, Exxon Mobil Development Company

Ralph, you have been an inspiration to so many people for so many years. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. God Bless. Mark Sartain, 2007 ASA Lonestar State Champion,       (Da Bomb)

Ralph, you have always had the vision to make softball more than a game.  You always encourage people to be better than they think they can.  Your video interview is excellent.  It was always a pleasure to work with you and for you.  Keep up the great work.  Corky Carter,  State Director: Tennessee USSSA Slow Pitch

"My friends are like quiet angels who lift me to my feet." They know when this heart has the courage to move these legs in the right direction. Other feet will follow in the steps of sportsmanship and character. As these footsteps echo in the Halls of Honor and Honorable Mention I will ask a simple question. Are those your steps I hear, my friend? I'm listening.  Ralph Hall, Jr. 12-18-07 and revised 6-15-14

  Ralph Hall, Jr. & ****General Tommy Franks,

Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient - Proverbs 18:16

"We honor those who make softball history, not those who mock softball history."

 Ralph Hall, Jr. 2-17-08 

Free Animated Blinkies


WHO is that guy on the cover of Sports Illustrated with Lindsay Hall? 

"From the silent request on my knees to the last footstep crossing the plate, the destination has been worth the journey."  Ralph Hall, Jr. 12-29-08

Winning some games - good
Winning some seasons - better
Winning or losing with sportsmanship and character -

To get the walk off hit - awesome
To turn the unassisted triple play - uniquely great
To play the worst season of your life and still love this game - priceless. 

To serve as the Head Umpire and/or League Director for 773 leagues - outstanding achievement
To also serve as the Head Umpire or Tournament Director for 877  tournaments - uniquely great accomplishment
To purposefully serve a God who loves him as an adopted son and not just as a servant,
. Ralph Hall, Jr. revised on 3-30-2024 - TGBTG

"It's not the first step out of the box of selfishness, but the final step on the plate of courageous character that counts." Ralph Hall, Jr. 3-1-2016

To recognize the mess - good
To understand the messages - great
To develop a heartfelt relationship with the Messenger
- PRICELESS. Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-5-16

To communicate clearly - good
To be powerfully specific - great
To do both in a long lasting and deeply loving way - PRICELESS, PRICELESS.
Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-7-16    

"Pitch by pitch, play by play, inning by inning, game by game, season by season, year by year, decade by decade, career by career, life by life - we remember the gift that keeps on giving - an abundant life with Him." Ralph Hall, Jr. 25,156 days

"There is double honor for the mature, who leave the ballpark filled with awe and wonder!" They are called to be the biggest winners and are chosen for higher purposes. Ralph Hall, Jr.10-13-16

"Enjoying this kind of thinking affirms a calling to honor like no other." TGBTG, Ralph Hall, Jr. 10-13-18

"Results do not define who we are. They can serve us well by melting any avalanche of either popular snowflakes or any ice cold pathalogical critic." Ralph Hall, Jr.

Questioning the acceptance of popular ideas often leads to a better understanding of the RIGHT ideas!"  Ralph Hall, Jr. 7-14-17

"My Home Plate is in Heaven. I'm just temporarily assigned to the home plate in this world." Ralph Hall, Jr. paraphrasing Dr. Billy Graham 2-25-18

"They came to play and stayed to pray." The Fields of Ralph Hall 1956-2019 TGBTG and my thanks to Dr. Guido Merkens CLC San Antonio, Texas

"To be or not to be? - THAT IS THE QUESTION." William Shakespeare

    to be softball players - good
   to be loyal friends - great
   to be committed brothers - PRICELESS - PRICELESS- PRICELESS
             Ralph Hall, Jr. 7-6-2018

"LORD, YOU never let go of me." RALPH HALL


Texas Softball Hall of Fame - 281-342-0789 ralph@txsoftballhalloffame.com


 Another word of thanks is extended to my good friend, Neil Suchart  for  ongoing support in the development of this web site.



Web Designer: Texas Marketing Group