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Angels at the Park

"It all starts with caring. Any other base path only leads to a dead end." Ralph Hall
     Click Here to Register a Team Online

This is Texas Softball Hall of Fame's favorite benevolence program. Contributions go to encouraging citizens of the Houston area who have suffered a major loss. We will support them by giving them tickets to a Houston Astro's Baseball Game. You can be a part of what makes our softball family a caring team for this community.

"Ballparks are not like Cathedrals, but the hearts of some ballplayers are Cathedrals of caring." Ralph Hall 10-06-07
Moving BatterEmail: ralph@txsoftballhalloffame.com 
call 281-342-0789-0-1
or mail to:
Texas Softball Hall Of Fame
P O Box 24
Stafford, TX, 77477

"To play in a Sunday League, $395. To join a Tuesday or Friday League, $355. To build positive relationships with the Texas Softball Hall Of Fame community, priceless."
                                        Ralph Hall

"With vision, courage, and skill we plan the games. With cooperation, commitment, and caring we lead the people." RALPH HALL 2-15-07


"My friends are like quiet angels who lift me to my feet."

 They know when this heart has the courage to move these legs in the right direction. Other legs will follow in the steps of sportsmanship.  As these footsteps echo in the Halls of Honor and  Honorable Mention I will ask a simple question. Are those your steps I hear, my friend? I'm listening.  Ralph Hall 11-28-07

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